This is a blog for anyone looking to transition to corporate Learning & Development. Posts include tips for a successful job search, explanations of basic instructional design concepts, and stories from my own career pivot.
When I decided to leave education and seek a corporate ID role, reading content by people in the field confirmed that I was on the right path. I hope to pay it forward and provide some insight into the job change process for others by documenting my experiences.
Networking for a Promotion/Raise
Aspiring for a promotion or raise in your current role? Let’s talk about how you can network to achieve that goal!
Upskilling for a Promotion/Raise
Aspiring for a promotion or raise in your current role? Let’s talk about how you can upskill to achieve that goal!
Self-Advocating for a Promotion/Raise
Aspiring for a promotion or raise in your current role? Let’s talk about how you can self-advocate to achieve that goal!
Career Move Announcement AND Podcast Appearance
This post is a two-fer, as I’ve got some big changes in the coming weeks. I am going from a hybrid arrangement in the financial services sector to a fully remote position as a Senior Technical Instructional Designer at a software company.
Why I’m Learning to Code
E-Learning development has much in common with web development. This is why I am enrolling in Codecademy’s front-end web development course!
Tech Upskilling via LinkedIn Learning
In the world of corporate instructional design, we use very specific digital tools. If you are transitioning to this field and have K-12 experience, our platforms are similar, but not the same.
The Benefits of Blogging
I have maintained an instructional design blog since I made the transition in 2021. It helps me be more purposeful with my career, as it makes me articulate my professional intentions.
How Teachers Can Get Experience Training Adults
Being able to demonstrate that you have experience developing employees in the workplace will highlight your instructional design acumen.
TPLD is Changing, Y’all
TPLD is a group of former educators who help current educators with their job transition to the corporate world of L&D, for free. We aren’t going anywhere, but we are evolving.
Professional Development Options
Stagnancy is not an option for a Hermione Granger such as myself. I’m looking ahead at professional development opportunities for 2022.
6 Months in my New Role
Working as a corporate ID is everything I hoped for when I started researching the role back in the spring of 2020.
The NovoEd Course
I’m currently enrolled in the NovoEd course ‘Learning Experience Design: From Ideas to Impact.’
Corporate Roles for Former Educators
Within the world of Learning & Development, there are MANY positions that make for a natural progression from classroom teaching. Think about what work you would enjoy the most.
Choose Your Next Role FIRST
The first step in any job hunt should be to research jobs and choose your ideal position.