Networking for a Promotion/Raise

Aspiring for a promotion or raise in your current role? Let’s talk about how you can network to achieve that goal! Coming from a K-12 background, corporate career pathways were a bit alien to me, so hopefully this 3 part series can shed light on how to advance your career in the corporate world.

You don’t have to go it alone. Lean on your community and create allies in your network as you seek a promotion and raise. Some of the ways to achieve this include:

Speak to people who are higher up the food chain. Target those who are in the role you want next, or even a step or two above. Ask them how they got there, and what action you can take. Also, pick their brains to see exactly what they do every day because this will give you a good idea of whether or not you are on the right path. This builds familiarity with people whose careers are farther along than yours and provides valuable insight into how you can progress as well.

For job openings you are interested in, reach out to any connections you have at that company. Even if you have never met them in person, they may have tips for what the company is looking for, put in a nudge with their manager, or possibly serve as an official referral. I have had 5 full time jobs post-college, and I got 2 of those after someone I knew at the company put in a good word for me. You might feel a bit shameless, but you need a way to stand out from a stack of applicants; your capabilities will shine during the interview process and that’s all you!

Lastly, use this job search as an opportunity to add every recruiter you come in contact with on LinkedIn. Send them a personalized connection request. Maybe it wasn’t a love match this time around, but now you have interacted with someone who could be a resource in the future. Their posts might provide an insight into their company’s hiring process and could pay off in a later job hunt.

Show gratitude if a connection helps you get your foot in the door at an organization (public kudos goes a long way). Your career does not happen in a silo, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. Just make sure to pay it forward!

This is the last entry in my 'How to Get a Promotion/Raise' series, and I hope it helped.

View original post on LinkedIn.

Photo of two Black people in business outfits shaking hands.

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Upskilling for a Promotion/Raise