Equitable Partnerships Boost Women’s Careers


Being in an equitable relationship with a supportive partner is a HUGE privilege and bolster for my career as a woman. It’s expected for women to support men’s careers; men supporting women the same way is sadly not the norm.

A 2014 study of Harvard Business School graduates showed that “More than half the men expected their careers to take precedence over their wives’ careers, while most women expected egalitarian marriages. (Almost no women expected their own careers to come first.)” Being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t prioritize your career as much as their own can be a huge deterrence to career advancement.

Some of the ways that I professionally benefit from my awesome partner include:

  • Logistical planning. On my big work days, my partner can pick up the slack by walking the dog or making dinner.

  • Second pair of eyes. My partner reviews everything for me; portfolio samples, resumes, etc. and gives very helpful feedback.

  • Financial safety net. Being able to split bills down the middle takes off some of the pressure I felt when single to stay employed in a toxic environment.

  • Emotional support. My guy is always there for me to vent, to hype me up, and to keep me grounded.

  • Splitting household duties. Being equal partners means I’m not trying to run a household on my own; I can count on him to tackle half of the chores and home maintenance.

I do consider these perks a privilege, and I try to always return the favor. Being in a relationship with someone in academia means reading highly extensive CVs and cover letters, but I enjoy it because I want him to experience job satisfaction as well.

Shout out to amazing and supportive partners, and all the single folks who are getting by just fine on their own.

BTW, here is a short Articulate Storyline interaction I made celebrating our travels together since meeting in 2007.

View original post on LinkedIn.

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