E-Learning Heroes Challenges

One of my goals for this year is to develop my ID skills in the area of eLearning development. A tangible way to do that is to be constantly creating and putting my work out there.

I participated in my first eLearning Heroes Challenge by Articulate Storyline and got featured in the recap! These are so fun because your personality can really shine. The technical skills relate to my full time job, but the topics of the eLearning interactions can have a much wider scope than financial services.

The Tabs Interaction challenge (#362) seemed like a great place to start because it connected to a project for the Nashville Public Defender’s office I was already developing.

Hitting ‘Comment’ was a bit nerve-wracking but I did it anyways. The second time around I won’t have as many qualms. 

As instructional designers, we ask our learners to take risks and try new things when they experience our training programs, so why wouldn’t we do the same?

I’m already creating a second entry for another challenge, and adding a little fantasy flair to my work.

Harnessing my inner Fred Weasley, I leave you with this: "I think we've outgrown full-time education ... Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?”

View the eLearning Heroes Challenge.

View original post on LinkedIn.


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