How to Reduce Screen Time

The entirety of my job today involves staring at a screen. Our team is spread in offices across four states, so even the days when I am in the office we still have to meet on WebEx.

Because of this, I have to limit my screen time in the afternoons and evenings when work is finished for the day. I watch a lot less TV now than when I was a teacher. I used to come home from school and crash into the couch and binge watch shows every night.

Here are some of the activities I engage in when the work day is finished to get me away from a screen:

  1. Music - I play ukulele and also sing in a chorus. I like to sit in my yard and strum away on the uke. Sometimes, I get out my binder of sheet music and practice choral music (I’m a second soprano, thank you for asking).

  2. Dog - My terrier terror is named Sirius Black. Playing with him, doing training, or going for a dog walk is a great way to engage his little brain and get me away from staring at a screen.

  3. Read books - I’ve already read 75+ books this year, so it’s fair to say I am a dedicated patron of the neighborhood library. I prefer print books and love book swaps, thrifting for used books, and little free libraries.

  4. Crafts - I dabble in many crafts. Adult coloring books are fun, as are paint by numbers and hand lettering. I keep a pile of clothes that need mending and I like to get out my sewing kit occasionally as well.

  5. Cooking - This has always been a passion of mine, handed down from my Italian ancestors I suppose. I love spending hours in the kitchen trying out a new recipe, or preparing a comfort meal on stressful days.

  6. Board games and puzzles - We have a collection of two player games like Carcassone, Splendor, Monopoly Deal, Pandemic, and Jaipur at our house, as well as jigsaw, sudoku, and crossword puzzles. Game night is a great connector for my partner and me.

  7. Exercise - Lots of options here to get me up and moving. I like to roller skate, and I also live near a great trail for biking (I have a bike basket for my dog). Yoga classes are fun, or just going for a walk in one of the city parks nearby. I’m doing Couch to 5k at a gym as well.

Clearly boredom is never an issue in our household! Take an idea from this list or let me know in the comments… what are some ways you break up the screen time?

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