How to Craft a Software Simulation in Storyline

Wondering how to make software simulations? Working as an instructional designer at a tech company, I make guided practices in Storyline frequently. These are different than labs or practices in a training environment because everything on the screen must be simulated.

Check out an example I posted on AWS. For this example, I used PowerPoint because the simulations I make in my day job are focused on proprietary products. Everyone is familiar with PowerPoint!

  1. Clarify the workflows. What are the exact action users will need to perform in the software, and what are the steps to perform those actions? Each simulation should cover one use case.

  2. Write a script and then edit the script. Your directions should be crystal clear.

    • **Optional: Record audio. Most of my simulations do not have audio, as I only record narration for video demos.

  3. Capture the visuals. I take screenshots and manipulate them in SnagIt as needed. 

  4. Build the simulation in Storyline. Your ID team should have guidelines around hints, wrong clicks, animation, and accessibility. The software simulation should have the same look and feel as other content coming from your team.

  5. QA in Articulate Review. Click around and try to break the simulation. Better to find the flaws now then after you publish.

  6. Export to SCORM, publish to the LMS, and save the source files.

And those are the basic steps to building a software simulation in Storyline.

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