Cara North Aids a Righteous Cause


Earlier this year I consulted with the Nashville Defenders office to develop a free digital learning experience for their clients. The prototype was met with positive feedback, but I knew there was still work to be done in fine-tuning the lesson. Cara North offered to review the project and when we met to discuss her feedback, I was blown away by how gracious and thoughtful she was.

Overall, her comments advocated for the learner, and made the project much stronger than the draft. Some examples of the types of areas she targeted:

  1. Audience access- Because most of the audience will access the learning experience on a phone, Cara helped me fine tune certain interactions for that platform. Changing the word ‘click’ to ‘select’ for example, makes it more universal. There was also a drag and drop that wasn’t accessible from a keyboard, so I changed it to a ‘this or that’ type activity.

  2. Character expressions- Cara encouraged me to use Adobe Illustrator to customize the expressions of the people in the course, since they were animations. The default expression was a smile, but when discussion the criminal legal process, looks of concern or empathy are more appropriate.

  3. Downloadable takeaways- The importance of the content persuaded Cara that I needed a one pager. Using the same visual style and the Nashville Defenders’ branding guidelines, I developed a digital flyer summarizing the important takeaways that can be accessed as a PDF. This information could make a difference in someone’s life.

Cara North didn’t have to be this generous, but clearly she has the heart of a mentor. I appreciate her aplenty because her feedback was a gift not only for myself, but for anyone trying to navigate an unjust criminal legal system.

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Coming Around on Captivate


Part II: Remote Work and my Personal Life