Job Search- Over

My job search is OVER!! Throughout the last month, I have been interviewing for jobs, and let me tell you, it’s a grueling process. I spoke with nine different companies, sometimes multiple times each, submitting extra work samples and performance tasks along the way.

Funemployment for me looked like:
-one month to road trip with my partner
-one month to settle down in our new home and put together my application materials
-one month to apply for positions like it was my job

Job hunting is not for the weak of heart, particularly when transitioning to a career in a different field. It was hard not to internalize the heaps of rejection. This was an extremely informative time, though, and it all panned out in the end!

This week I accepted a position as a corporate instructional designer, starting in a couple of weeks. For now I’m going to enjoy these last days of unemployment by booking a massage therapist and visiting Target to decorate my home office one time too many.

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